Friday, April 29, 2011

Start to Short Story

     The creaky brown trees rocked back and forth as the man in the clouds let out a breath of relief. Cheyenne scooted across the sidewalk as scary black clouds ran through the sky and stood over her as the street darkened and became colder. When she finally reached her aged house, she pulled the shiny key from her pocket with a blue rubber grip around the top and pushed it into the tiny slit on her door and turned it until the door could be pushed open. Cheyenne walked into her living room and slid her blue and black Nike shoes off and sunk into the thick blueish grey carpet. She walked into the kitchen filled with cabinets, spices, and roosters and got a glass of milk from the refrigerator along with a thick stack of Oreo cookies. Throwing her petite body into the puffy deep green couch, she reached out her bracelet filled arm to grab the remote. With her right thumb, she pressed the blue power button that matched the blue nail polish smeared on all ten of her lanky fingers.
     Finding a t.v. show wasn't difficult, she always watched her favorite show, paranormal happenings, everyday at 3:30 when she got home from school. Her mother usually didn't get home until 6 or so from her job as a secretary down at the insurance agency so Cheyenne tried not to get too scared when watching her favorite show while she was home alone.
     She watched two episodes of her show each at a half an hour long and went to her room to start her homework. Flicking the flower covered light switch on, she noticed her mother had changed her bedding and left a note on the center of her pink covered pillow. "I'll probably be home a little later tonight honey, I need to stop by the grocery store and pick up a few things for the house. See you around 7. Love you muffin, Momma." The note was written in red pen on a piece of paper bordered by pictures of butterflies that were black and orange. Cheyenne thought to herself "Why would she out this on my bed and not the fridge? I can't stand her, shes so crazy." Cheyenne couldn't stand a single thing her mother did or said. She just wished her dad would come back home, he was the one she loved, not her mother.


  1. I absolutely loved your story. I couldn't stop reading it and when I realized it was over, I didn't want it to end because it was such a good story. I could picture literally, everything you wrote on this story and I cannot wait to read more of your story. I wonder what is going to happen with her and her mother. I wish I could read more.

  2. I really like how descriptive this is. I wonder if it will be a horror story or a sad story about her father leaving her and her mother. I wish I could think of story plots like this that make me question where the story is going. This is great.

  3. I really enjoy your story so far it's very descriptive and you can really imagine her walking into her house and what she's doing. I wish that i could be more descriptive like you are :). I wonder what is going to happen later on in the story, if the dad is ever going to come back.

  4. I love this story. You used so much detail with this. I love how you said "her bracelet filled arm" instead of just saying "her arm". Great detail. I can't wait to see the finish product. I'm sure it will be good.

  5. I really like this so far. I wonder what will happen when her mom gets home. I wish i could have kept reading.
