Friday, May 27, 2011

The checkered floor tiles

I sit down on the short stool and gaze at the strangely beautiful woman in a dress the shade of the ocean. She catches my eye so I quickly swing my head down to the floor and start to stare at the black and white checkered tiles. Staring too long at the floor I start to get dizzy and a small headache starts to form in the front of my head making my eyes water a little bit. I try and move my eyes away from the floor tiles that are making me feel sicker and sicker, but I can't. I am mesmerized by the look of the tiles and I can't move my eyes away from them. I feel my body start to sway on the short stool but the movement is too little for the lady in the blue dress to notice. I feel myself sway and lean too far to one side and I quickly catch myself with my right foot that slams onto the ground. The lady in the blue dress looks at me noticed something is wrong. She offers me a drink of water but I don't want her to think I am sick. I tell her everything is fine and she goes back to painting on the small canvas that she was painting on when I walked into the room. I try to think back to when I walked into the room but its seems like there is a brick wall behind my eyes that makes it impossible for my brain to see anything that my eyes are seeing. The lights slowly turn black and I feel myself fall onto the floor. The lights begin to fill my eyes again and I see that the lady in the blue dress is gone and has left her small canvas behind. I get up from the ground and when I touch my feet to the floor it feels as if the black and white checkered tiles are waving and covered in a thin layer of crystal clear water.

Friday, May 20, 2011


     "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the be bugs bite." My gram said to me as she kissed my forehead and sent met to bed. As I walked into my bedroom and got into my pajamas, I thought about bed bugs crawling all over me and biting me while I slept. After spraying my entire body with bug spray, I snuck into my bed as to not wake or disturb the bed bugs already sleeping under my blankets. Finally laying down in my bed, I slowly slid my petrified body under my blankets along with the bed bugs. All night I itched and thought about the bed bugs in my bed with me. I cried all night and in the morning I checked my legs, arms, and belly for little bites from the bed bugs.

Friday, May 6, 2011

End to Short Story

     When Cheyenne was done with her homework at about 7:45, the pre-prepared dinner that her mother threw in the microwave was ready to eat. They both got a medium sized dish from one of the cabinets and filled them with the noodle dinner as the apple pattern in the center of the plate quickly disappeared. They sat down at the circle shaped table in the middle of the room and ate quietly as the apple pattern slowly reappeared back on their plates. It had been almost a year and a half since her daddy past away. Back then things like dinner and life in general were enjoyable, now nothing was the same. No matter how much Cheyenne wished and preyed, her daddy would never come home like she wanted. She was stuck with her annoying mother, not a mom, momma, or mommy. Just a mother.
     Cheyenne's eyes started to fill with sadness and sorrow so she rushed to the sink to rinse off her plate before her emotions leaked onto her cheeks. She thanked her mother for dinner and made her way into her bedroom. She slammed the door and threw herself onto her twin sized bed. After crying for 15 minutes, she reached under her bed to find the box to her blue and black nike shoes that her daddy bought her. Opening the box, Cheyenne found many things she had kept from her daddy to look at when she wanted to. Looking at old pictures, tickets to baseball games, birthday cards and a necklace, the tears continued to slide down her freckled face.